Tips to Keep Your Decking Clean and Sparkling


dirt and debris

Whether you’ve just had a new modular decking kit installed or you’re looking to breathe some life back into your old decking, regular cleaning is an essential part of upkeep. Decking can easily become dirty and tired-looking over time, but there are easy steps you can take to keep it looking its best.

1. Sweep away dirt, leaves, and other debris regularly: Regular sweeping or vacuuming is the first step to a clean deck. Aim to sweep away dirt and debris two or three times a week, depending on how often you use it. This will help prevent the build-up of dirt and grime that can leave your decking looking dull and lifeless.

2. Choose a gentle cleaner: When cleaning your decking, it’s best to use a cleaner specifically designed for the material. For wood decking, you can easily make your cleaning solution using warm water and dish soap. For composite or plastic decking, choose an appropriate detergent or cleaner from your local home improvement store to avoid damaging the surface.

3. Pressure wash: Pressure washing is a fantastic way to clean your decking, but you should exercise caution as it can be easy to damage the surface of your deck with too much pressure. On wood decking, start from the highest point and work downwards at a 45-degree angle; this will ensure that water is pushed away from the house, preventing any potential water damage. For composite or plastic decking, use a fan tip on the pressure washer and reduce the water pressure to avoid damaging your deck.

4. Use sandpaper: If you have any rough patches on your wood decking, sanding it is an effective way of smoothing out the surface. Start with medium-grit sandpaper before progressing to fine-grit for a finer finish. Make sure to wear appropriate protective clothing, including gloves and a face mask, as the dust particles from the sanding can be hazardous.

5. Apply some oil: Treating your deck with oil can help protect it from UV damage, moisture, and general wear and tear. It is important to choose an oil that is suitable for the type of wood you are using, otherwise, it may end up causing more damage to your decking. After cleaning and drying the boards, apply an even layer of oil with a cloth or brush in a circular motion. Leave the oil to soak for about half an hour before wiping away any excess with a clean cloth. Wherever possible, allow the oil to penetrate for at least 24 hours before standing on it.

6. Treat mold and mildew: If your decking has been exposed to a high amount of humidity, you may find that mold and mildew have started to grow. To remove these, mix one cup of bleach with one gallon of warm water in a bucket. Use this mixture to scrub the affected area, and rinse with clean water afterward. If you find that there is still some mold remaining after your first attempt, simply repeat the process until it’s gone.

7. Get into positive habits: Finally, make sure to get into the habit of cleaning your decking regularly. This will help you keep on top of any dirt and debris, as well as ensure that mold and mildew don’t have a chance to set in. A quick sweep with a broom should be enough for regular maintenance, but a deeper clean is required at times. Also, be careful with your furniture, barbecues, and other items that are regularly on the decking. Make sure they’re not leaving any marks or scuffs.

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