Save Time and Energy with a High Pressure Pump for Car Washing


Dirt and dust from the road and pollution on your car will only slow it down, affecting its engine and fuel efficiency. It is also not a hygienic

Dirt and dust from the road and pollution on your car will only slow it down, affecting its engine and fuel efficiency. It is also not a hygienic atmosphere for anyone to stay in for a long time. The only way one can ensure proper hygiene is through deep cleaning. One of the most effective ways to do so is using a high pressure car washing pump.

The main objective of the pump is to wash off all the dirt and dust from the car’s surface. It exposes the clean and clear surface underneath. The water from the nozzle removes the fine particles, dust and debris. The ease of washing from the high pressure pump for car washing does not leave any swirls or scratches behind. 

The washers for cars clean off all the dirt and dust without leaving any scratches. They are soft and gentle and do not cause any abrasions. The cleaning product has a gentle formula, and the cloth has microfibres, making cleaning easy. 

The cleaning tools are professional-grade and ensure deep cleansing. The cleaners like the Wavex foam sprayer give the car a good makeover. The in-depth wash removes all dirt, leaving the car surface shiny and clean. 

Wonder Why High Pressure Pump for Car Washing Is Important? 

As the name suggests, the high pressure pump for car washing allows one to use high-pressure equipment. The user has total control of the pressure speed of the water due to the washer mechanism. With it, they can easily clean off the dirt from the surface.

The precision of cleaning depends on the water pressure from the washer. Adjusting the nozzle can change the water pressure. There is a direct correlation between the power measurement and water flow measurement.

Power Measurement:  PSI

Water Measurement: GPM (gallons per minute)

GPM is directly proportional to PSI. The more power, the more water comes out of the nozzle.

Works on An Electrical Switch

The high pressure pump for car washing works via an electrical switch. The system pressure determines how well the washer carries out the cleaning process. The pump has an auto-turn-off feature. When the pump reaches a certain point, the switch turns itself off. 

One can control the water flow manually. As one turns off the switch, the flow ceases, and there is also a slow rise in the system pressure. The mechanism of the water pump highly depends on the rate of the water flow in the pump.

 The higher the pressure, the more volume of water will flow out of the pump. Alternatively, the lower the pressure, the thinner the water flow, and if the pressure is too low, it might stop the water from flowing. 

But is the water pressure enough to clean the car’s surface? It is a critical factor that makes cleaning easy and hassle-free. However, it is there are more factors at play here. Other factors work with the high pressure pump for car washing to ensure a deep cleanse. 

The Nozzle of the Pump

There are other factors which ensure how effective the process of cleaning is from the pump. The size of the nozzle directly affects the volume of water from the washer. If the nozzle narrows, the water pressure will be low and narrow. 

The water will come out in full force if the nozzle is wider. The nozzle has a great force. Therefore, one should not use it on the delicate parts of the car. It is best to use it on greasy and stubborn stains on the sturdier details of the vehicle. 

Hose Length

The high pressure pump for car washing must have an appropriate hose length of 10 metres. Otherwise, stretching the washer pipe out to wash the car might become challenging. It becomes an inconvenience to clean the vehicle as you move around. Thus, pressure washers give every car owner many cleaning advantages. 

Advantages of Using a Pressure Pump 

It is highly efficient and convenient to use a pressure washer due to the following reasons:

  • Time and Energy: A single person can use the pressure washer, and thus, it saves time, labour and energy. Since the pressure washer provides efficient cleaning, it makes the process four to five times faster.
  • Water: Contrary to popular belief, the high pressure pump for car washing does save water. Since it sprays water faster, it uses at least 50-70% less water than a regular hose. There is no wastage of gallons of water. 

The high pressure pump for car washing from Carorbis is one of the must-have tools for every car owner. It is effective and efficient in =quickly and adequately cleaning your car. This pump ensures to wash away of all the dirt. The bonus thing about it is that the user can control the pressure. It ensures that too much high pressure does not ruin the wax and paint job of the car.

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